ьний Хруз
^ Gra6 - черпак, ківш
^ Graz'w - зерно
ft> * Heavy cargo - великоваговий вантаж
^ Hold-трюм
ft * - Homeport - порт базування (приписки, реєстрації)
^ Inland waterways внутрішні водні шляхи
г'" ВЈ/ wer - лайнер, пароплав, який здійснює регулярні рейси
^ Liquid cargo - рідкий вантаж
г ^ Те load-вантажити
^ Longitudinal - (дод.) поздовжній, по довготі.
(сущ.) повздовжній елемент конструкції т ^ Lubricating oil - мастило ВЈ> - Merchant - торговий, комерційний fa * Ore - руда
г * "Petroleum - 1. нафту, 2. гас г ^ Ріг? of call - порт заходу г ^ Port of destination - порт призначення fa3 "Pre-arranged - підготовлений заздалегідь ^ Го provide - забезпечувати ^ Pump - насос
$>? Refrigerated cargo - рефрижераторний вантаж г * "Schedule - розклад, 1рафік, план, режим г *" Timber - лісоматеріали
ft * "Tramp трамповое судно (вантажне судно, що не працює на певних рейсах)
ft ^ Transverse - поперечний $ *? Tweendeck - твіндек Р5 ^ Stability - (тут) остійність ft5-Storage - зберігання
Generally speaking a vessel can be classified to the purpose she serves. The most common purposes are:
transportation of cargo or/and passengers;
assistance and service (by so called'' special purpose vessels ");
the catching offish (fishermen);
peace keeping (war ships).
Liners and Tramps
Vessels that have been designed to transport cargo or/and passengers are called merchant ships. They may be classified as liners or tramps.liner carries cargoes between two fixed destinations.sailing schedule has been prearranged - she has a fixed homeport, port of destination andport (s) of call, and fixed ETA 's and ETD' s (Estimated Times of Arrival and Estimated Times of Departure). A liner-vessel is allowed to carry up to 12 passengers.that carry cargoes according to schedules that are not fixed are called tramps., Ports of destination, ports of call, ETA's and ETD's differ with every voyage.tramp is not allowed to carry any passengers.ships may carry general cargoes, hulk cargoes, refrigerated cargoes, heavy cargoes, timber, and many many more.Cargo Shipscargo is cargo that has been packed in crates, boxes or bags, or cargo coming in pieces (unpacked cargo items) . is loaded and discharged by the vessel's own derricks or by shore based cranes.conventional general cargo ship has several tweendecks.
Bulk Carrierscargo is unpacked cargo of one commodity.bulk cargo, such as grain, ore, fertilizers, etc. is carried in specially designed vessels with holds that have been divided into compartments by longitudinal and transverse separations, so that the ship's stability will not be affected by a full cargo.bulk cargo is loaded and discharged by cranes with grabs or by pumps.cargoes such as crude oil, petroleum, edible oils, etc. are carried in tankers, for example in Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCC's), chemical tankers, such as Liquefied Petroleum Gas tankers (LPG carriers) or Liquefied Natural Gas tankers (LNG carriers). tankers are small tankers that carry different sorts of oils. safety reasons tankers must be fitted with double bottoms. These spaces also provide storage for fuel, lubricating oil and waters. <В
Dry Bulk Carrier LPG-carrier
2. Vocabulary and reading
these words orally. Repeat them after the teacher and learn them by heart - 1. У кормовій частині судна, на кормі, 2. корми Р5 "Abeam - на траверзі Р9" Athwartship поперек
P = "Bay - номер секції від носа до корми (для контейнеровозів) Р ^ Bow (тут) ніс корабля
Р ^ Cargo handling equipment - обладнання для обробки вантажу Р = "Coaster - судно прибережного плавання, каботажне судно Р ^ Fore - носова край; в носовій частині $ *? Gantry crane - портальний, естакадний кран Р ^ Humidity control - контроль вологості Р ^ Layer - шар, пласт Р5 "Те measure - вимірювати Р5" Obstacle перешкоду, перешкода Р ^ Perishable cargo - швидкопсувний вантаж Р ^ Ramp - (тут) аппарель, похила площину ffc "Ro'Ro cargo - колісний вантаж
Р = "Ro/Ro ship - ролкери, суд...