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Реферат Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

th their group mates, they get more opportunities to talk, hear more English, to get a chance to be a leader, have more fun and relaxation, they learn to respect different ideas and opinions, have to really think in order to solve the problems, see other points of view, learn and enlarge their stock of vocabulary, get more information about different topics, improve their oral speech.

.2 Using English in class

is one of the most useful tool we have as humans. With it we could not think thoughts expressible to others, nor could we engage in the activities that commonly take place in the societies we build for ourselves. Most students tend to ignore the importance of listening comprehension skills, for their attention is fixed so completely on reading and writing that they fail to recognize the need for developing functional listening comprehension skills as a prerequisite. to related statistics, second-language learners, in order to learn the language, must first learn to understand the spoken language they hear.is regarded as a receptive skill, in that the listener is receiving messages from a speaker. The main resources received by students come from the teacher who may use English as a communicating skill for instructions. Thus, from the viewpoints of language learning and communicating in real-language situations, it benefits students in learning English for teachers to use English in class.the teacher uses English most of the time in class, it will give students more practice in listening and responding to spoken English. This will help them «pick up» words and expressions beyond the language of the textbooks. Besides, the language used, in the lesson itself, is often unnatural and artificial. The situations that occur in the classroom, however, give opportunities for real and natural English to be used. Also, if the teacher uses English to say real things to the class, it will give students the feeling that English is not just a language that belongs to the textbooks, but a real language used for communication. It is pretty certain, of course, that teachers should not use English all the time. There are many occasions obviously when it can be useful to use the students own language. How much a teacher uses English depends on the level of the class and the teacher s own language ability.are two main ways, in which English can be used in class:

(1) It can be used in teaching the lesson itself: introducing a text, asking questions, giving examples, etc.

(2) It can be used for activities which surround the teaching, but which are not actually part of the teaching: checking attendance, chatting to students, controlling the class, etc.the beginning of a lesson , the teacher can spend a few minutes chatting to the class about the topics.

The teacher can talk and ask questions, but get the students to give only short responses, which would be a good technique for a large class or with low level students.

T: Did you enjoy the weekend?: Yes.: And I went to the movies with my friends. Did you go to the movies?: Yes, I did.: Whom did you go with? (And so on)

The teacher can prompt every student to talk more about things they have done.

T: What did you do yesterday? Did you go out?: Yes, I went to a party.: A party...

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