(TT) Бути закоханим по вуха.
(ST) Devil doesn t love holy water.saying has two variants:
(TT) І собака палиці боиться.
(TT) Велика птах, та каменю боітся.like the first variant, so I choose it.
(ST) Love laughs at locksmithsproverb has only one variant:
(TT) Любов сміється над замками
(ST) Love makes all hearts gentleproverb has only one equivalent:
(TT) Любов пом'якшує серця
(ST) Love is stronger than deathproverb has only one equivalent:
(TT) Кохання сильніше смерті.one variant:
(TT) Немає нічого сильніше, ніж любовь.think, the variant is better.
There are many definitions of proverbs and sayings. There is a grate number of books, works and other fiction, devoted to this beautiful part of every language. I have said that proverbs and sayings were the great and beautiful part, because they appeared prom folk s thoughts and minds. They express the whole historical culture of the country, because proverbs and sayings didn t appear in one day, they were forming during ages and nowadays they are also creating.course work is devoted to English proverbs and sayings and how to translate them into Russian language, how not to loose the original meaning of ST and how to express it into Russian. During my work I had a great pleasure, because it is very interesting theme to discover, and also it is very actual in interpreter s work I can say, that there is no language without proverbs and sayings. It is the large part of every language, and it is very interesting work to translate them, because in every language proverbs and sayings have different lexical and grammatical peculiarities. There is special methodic, including calque method, method of describing, methods of finding equivalents and variants of ST.always thought that translating English proverbs into Russian language is very difficult work, but I was wrong. It isn t very difficult. Everything depends on interpreter s knowledge.text, not only proverbs and sayings, but any other texts must be carefully looked through, if it is written text. If it s oral speech, an interpreter have to be very attentive and carefully listen to the speaker for not to make any mistakes. When the speaker says a proverb or saying, an interpreter mustn t translate it! He need to find the right method to translate that proverb or saying with in the language, he translates...