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Реферат The history of development the science of translation in the countries of studied language

shaped ties with the Mediterranean in the sixth century BC and medicinal theories establish in Greek thinkers like Plato and Galen which came from India. In 9 and 10century Baghdad, the technical and theoretical works of Ancient Greece were translated into Arabic and this knowledge spread to Europe via Spain which was practically a Muslim state from the early 9 century 400 years. programs reached it climax from side to side the School of Toledo where translations were made from Arabic to Latin and afterward to Spanish and helped the technical and scientific development for the European Renaissance. A narration of translation charts these intersections. They may be entrenched in aggressive historical disagreement and regal expansions but it is not at all a easy procedure of translation for misuse.number of of the history of translation is well-charted - the translation of the Bible, the work of missionaries, the Orientals translators in India - but present remains huge unidentified territories. Scholars contain lately begun to mark about the role of entity translators. Translators as Constance Garnett in England or Gregory Rabassa in the United States have been answerable for transforming inscription in English by their individual translations of Russian and Latin American fiction. Come around of new subsequent freedom in Eastern Europe have come translations of best-selling American and English authors. The history of translation is the history of the fundamental but often imperceptible intersections in world culture.was a important activity in Britain in the Eighteenth Century, and the field was separated into two distinct areas: translation from classics (focus on Latin and Greek authors) which was a male-dominated territory, and translation from contemporary languages ??(French, German, Italian and Spanish) which was one of the few fictional genres. Yet, there were some important exceptions in the area of ??the classics. As well as in many other things the countries, in England the first attempts of hypothetical generalizations in the ground of translation have been undertaken by translators amongst whom there were many protruding writers and poets. of them accompanied with the translations by widespread commentary in which they proved or necessary move toward to the choice of a variety problems of translation, tried to state some system and main beliefs of translation. In XVI and XVII centuries when translational activity in England has got especially wide scope, practice of similar translational comments has received significant propagation. More fundamental works under the theory of translation have appeared in England only in second half XX centuries. Here it is possible to note, first of all, T.Sevori «s book« art of translation ». In it the author, tried to consider the broad audience of translational problems. Though the linguistic basis of this research was obviously insufficient, the author managed to state is glad positions which have received the further progress in works under the linguistic theory of translation.structure of the work of T. Sevori in many respects follows tradition. Here still there is no statement of the general principles of construction of the theory of translation; the subjects of sections and their sequence are substantially any. First of all it is offered to distinguish 4 types of translation. Offered classification reflects at the same time distinctions in a range of accuracy...

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