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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Lingual-Stylistic Peculiarities of G. Byron's "The Prisoner of Chillon" and "Sonnet on Chillon", and Their Reproduction in the Translations by P. Hrabovs'kyi, V. Mysyk, M. Kabaliuk and V. Zhukovs'kyi

Реферат Lingual-Stylistic Peculiarities of G. Byron's "The Prisoner of Chillon" and "Sonnet on Chillon", and Their Reproduction in the Translations by P. Hrabovs'kyi, V. Mysyk, M. Kabaliuk and V. Zhukovs'kyi

line in which the attention is equally divided between the protagonist and chains, and thus makes them equal, friends :

My very chains and I grew friends [32: 365, XIV, 24]

V. Zhukovs `kyi makes this line more general, and focuses on the protagonist:

Я до ланцюга руку привчив [26: 333, XIV, 21]

P. Hrabovs `kyi combines this trope with following lines and comes with the following translation:

Тягучі ретязі тюрми

(Так годину панує над людьми)

Я щирим жалем спом `Янів [27: 235, XIV, 25-27]

M. Kabaliuk destroys the trope altogether:

Я Звиков вже й до ланцюгів [29: 18, XIV, 29]

The next large group of tropes to be discussed is that of simile and comparisons, which includes around 20 examples. Some of them are disguised simile and deserve special attention:

Of whom this wreck is left the last [32: 354, I, 26] him this dungeon was a gulf [32: 357, V, 14] the whole earth would henceforth bewider prison unto me [ 32: 363, XII, 6-7] I, the monarch of each race [32: 365, XIV, 20] are rather extended and combine a few simile as their counterparts: he would never thus have flown, left me twice so doubly lone,-as the corse within its shroud, as a solitary cloud, single cloud on a sunny day, all the rest of heaven is clear, frown upon the atmosphere [32: 362, X, 41-47]. Kabaliuk is the only one who translated all the four above-enlisted examples of the first subgroup (the third column of the table). P. Hrabovs `kyi omitted the first latent simile, and transformed the image of the second, while V. Zhukovs `kyi transformed both, second and third, and omitted the fourth one. p align="justify"> style literary translation syntax

Лише я, руїна одна [26: 315, I, 24] З тих трьох - руйна Із Руїн [29: 16, I, 25] І труну в'язниця йому була [26: 319, V, 13] Те скуті ноги, царство мли [27: 227, V, 15] Тюрма булу безодні дном [29: 16, V, 15] Світ став чужий мені, життя порожня [26: 331, XII, 5] Тюрма чг світ - одне були [27: 233, XII, 4] Земля, де рідніх вже нема, Ліше просторіша тюрма. [29: 17-18, XII, 5-6] Я БУВ Владик между їх; [27: 235, XIV, 21] Я, їх володар, будь-колі [29: 18, XIV, 25]

As to the translation of the example of extended simile, V. Zhukovs `kyi omitted it in the tenth section, but included it to the section twelve:

Я був би зайвий гість на ньому,

Як хмара при ясному дні,

Втрачене у височині

І в радісних його променях

Непотрібне на небесах ...

[26: 331, XI...

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