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Реферат Modality as one of syntactic categories of language

, let us note only that, in either case, the resemblance to the other types of modality is the aspect of conditionality. They are defined through the conditions for their realization. [4] distinction is that they do not concern the object in itself (ie the NM relationship as such) like the others, but involve an additional relation to man the knower of that object, or man the eventual agent of such object. The latter relation is thus a new object, which includes the former, but is not identical with it. Such modalities, then, are not essentially subjective, though they can degenerate into subjectivity, but rather concern another object.there is another theory of modality which was provided by Ch. Bally and in accordance with it modality expresses two types of relations and includes two levels. That s why the linguists usually differentiate between two types of modality: objective (or primary) and subjective (or secondary). Ch. Bally considered that each utterance consists of two parts, the part which presents information (he called it dictum ) and the part which presents the speaker s evaluation of this information (he called it modus '). Primary modality expresses the relation of the contents of the sentence to reality as established by the speaker who, choosing the appropriate form of the mood presents the event as real, unreal or desirable. It is expressed by the grammatical form of mood and thus it is a component of predicativity and as such it always finds a grammatical expression in the sentence.

Ex: You are my friend. Be my friend. I wish you were my friend.

Thus, primary modality as a component of predicativity is an obligatory feature of the sentence - we can not make a sentence without expressing primary modality.

Secondary modality presents another layer of modality, built over the primary modality. It 'does not always find an explicit expression in the sentence. Secondary modality is not homogeneous. It contains two layers and we can differentiate between two types of secondary modality. The first type expresses the relations between the subject of the sentence and the action. The action may be presented as possible, permissive, obligatory, necessary, desirable or unnecessary for the subject. It is expressed by the modal verbs in their verb-oriented meanings: ability, possibility, permission, necessity, obligation etc.

Ex: Children must be seen but not heard. I can jump puddles. You may be free for today. second type of secondary modality expresses the attitude of the speaker to the contents of the utterance or the speaker's evaluation of the event presented in the utterance. This type of modality can be expressed by:

) modal words and modal adverbs and modal particles: maybe, probably, certainly, of course, perhaps, sure, evidently, supposedly, luckily, fortunately etc. :: This is probably the best chance you have ever had.

2) by modal verbs in their sentence-oriented meanings: probability, doubt, assumption, certainty, disbelief:

Ex: She could not have done it alone.

3) by modalized verbs seem, to appear, happen, chance:

Ex: She appeared to be holding something back from him.

) by the so called performative verbs and phrases which name speech and mental acts: think, suppose, guess, doubt, be certain, be sure etc. :: I guess you are right. I am afraid this is true.

) by special syntactic structures like tag questions :: This is true, is not it?

) by intonation and word order .: George was standing in the garden. There was George standing in the garden.

As we can see the modal verbs participate in the expression of two kinds of secondary modality

. 2 Epistemic modality

modality is central from the point of view of natural language and is also grammaticized in the system of English J. K? rkk? inen. She stated that definitions of epistemic modality conflict partially. Some authors definitions are related to belief and knowledge others involve truth in them. Epistemic modality has to do with the possibility or necessity of the truth of propositions, and is thus involved with knowledge and belief Lyons J. Similarly Huddleston R. argues that epistemic modality is concerned with the truth status of the proposition in the light of what the speaker knows. Epistemic modality is orientated towards the speaker - it is subjective. Palmer sees epistemic modality as indication by the speaker of his (lack of) commitment to the truth of the proposition expressed and as the degree of commitment by the speaker to what he says. The matter of degree appears also in Bybee and Fleischman who...

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