However, as the essence of this policy consists in approach to rights of workers, freezing of wages and a rise in prices, the word В«ціниВ» is included in Russian translation.translating also there are difficulties of the lexical and grammatical and grammatical order. For overcoming these difficulties it is necessary to use various translational receptions: rearrangements, replacements, additions, omissions. p align="justify"> 1) Grammatical when parts of speech or sentence parts are replaced. Such replacements are caused by stylistic norms of Russian:
S.T. - Експорт Англії
T.T. - The British exports;
S.T. - Це негайно позначається
T.T. - ... This has an immediate impact ...
Whereas in the English language as definition nouns are very widely used, such replacements while translating meet enough frequently:
S.T. - Страхові збори
T.T. - Insurance charges;
S.T. - Банківські збори
T.T. - Bank charges.
2) Lexical:
- Generalization, i.e. replacement of a foreign word with narrow value a word with wider value in Russian.
S.T. - Britain has various dealings with the rest of the world.
T.T. - У Англії є широкі економічні зв'язки з іншими країнами світу;
Concrete definition, i.e. replacement of the English word with very wide value Russian word with more concrete value. Thus each concrete value is defined by a context. p align="justify"> S.T. - The market is firm.
T.T. - На ринку встановилися міцні (стабільні) ціни. p align="justify"> It is necessary to resort to a way of a concrete definition there where we collide with the words having huge quantity of values, for example: come, to get, to go, with such words as:, facilities, де значення визначається сполучуваністю слова:
банківські послуги - banking facilities;
транспортні засоби - transport facilities;
- Translation of an antonym to which it is necessary to resort when in Russian is not present a corresponding lexical unit. Frequently such translation happens is caused by grammatical structure of the English offer. p align="justify"> S.T. - They failed to fulfill the obligations.
T.T. - Вони не виконали зобов'язань. p align="justify"> S.T. - They lack the necessary foreign exchange.
T.T. - Їм не вистачає необхідної іноземної валюти. p align="justify"> - Indemnification. It is a way, allowing to transfer the maintenance of the original when norms of Russian do not allow to keep this or that ...