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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Translation of english proverbs and sayings about love, wearing and work from English into Russian

Реферат Translation of english proverbs and sayings about love, wearing and work from English into Russian

come together

(TT) Після дощику в четвер.

(ST) When hell freezes over

(TT) Коли рай сгоріт.it is very difficult to differ proverb from saying or to separate them from each other. Saying has boards from proverb, but if you add only one word to it, saying could be changed to a proverb, and on the contrary. There are some idioms which look like proverbs, but they aren t proverbs at all. But idioms could be made into proverbs by adding only a word: "To cry for a moon - is an idiom it doesn t give any advices or prevents of something wrong. It is only a saying, but if we add "Don t" or something like that, we will get a good proverb, for example: (ST) Don t cry for the moon. (TT) Чи не обіцяй золоті гори. (ST) Only fools cry for the moon. (TT) Тільки дурень обіцяє золоті гори.


There are many sources of proverbs and sayings appearing. For to be a proverb, this sentence must be popular and well known among the society. When a sentence starts to be a proverb, it becomes the part of common mind, so the proverb speaker doesn t care who has invented it. So we can say that proverbs and sayings are invented by folk. Many proverbs, adding the everyday experience, the meaning of words was transforming to the proverb during long time without any announcing of this process. The phrase "Make hay while the sun shines , which takes it s appearing from everyday field-workers practice, is the example of these sort of proverbs. Every farmer sees the truth in these words, but when hundreds of people understood these words as they wanted, they realized that this sentence has several different meanings and people can use it for their own situations. After long time of practicing the method of "trys and mistakes - this phrase got it s own common meaning and became a proverb. By the same way the phrase Don t put all your eggs in one basket became a proverb from the practical experience of trading dealers.the other side, many proverbs are written by definite people. If the proverb was invented in oral variant, of cause the author would be forgotten, but if the clever author invents a proverb and wrights it down, we can find (the source of these proverbs) out whom was this proverb written by. So, we can suppose that the most part of abstract proverbs and sayings were done by this way. For example:

(ST) The End justifies the means

(TT) Яке початок, такий і конец.appears from the t...

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