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Реферат Gender and age peculiarities of the language and some linguistic difficulties of translation them in practice

of women is primarily rapport-talk, where establishing connections and promoting sameness is emphasized. Men, on the other hand, use language described as report-talk, as a way of preserving independence while exhibiting knowledge and skill. [Tannen D.1990]. The contrasting views of relationships are apparent: negotiating with a desire for solidarity in women, maintaining status and hierarchical order in men.The function of a command can be described as an utterance designed to get someone else to do something [Montgomery, 1995]. Several studies [Goodwin 1980; Cameron, McAlinden and O Leary 1989; Tannen 1990, 1994; Holmes 2001] have commented on the different ways men and women phrase commands. Men tend to use simple, direct statements, whereas women rely on couching their commands as inclusive suggestions for action. [Montgomery 1995]. Consider the following examples:

Jody: Mmm ... home phone.Andy: What home? Jody: My home. What s my phone number? Are you gonna plug it in? Jody: Mmm ... How many? Do you want it small? Andy: Smallish.Ian: I like this stuff.Jody: Like that? Andy: Mmm ... even smaller.Jody: Smaller? Do you want to put it here? Why don t you just bite it? Has chosen to couch her commands in the form of questions. Rather then stating the bald commands, Here s my phone number. Plug it in, and Put ithere. Bite it, she opted for a more indirect approach. Lakoff [cited in Tannen 1994] describes two benefits of indirectness: defensiveness and rapport. Defensiveness refers to the speaker s preference not to go on record with an idea in order to be able to disclaim, rescind, or modify it if it does not meet with a positive response Rapport refers to getting one s way not by demanding it, but because the listener is working toward the same end, indirectly encouraging the common goal.

Sociological studies have shown that women are more likely to use linguistic forms thought to be better or more correct than those used by men. Trudgill [1983] provides two reasons for this. Firstly, women in our society are generally more status-conscious than men, and therefore more sensitive to linguistic norms-an idea known as hyper-correction. Secondly, working-class speech ... has connotations of or associations with masculinity, which may lead men to be more favorably disposed to non-standard linguistic forms than women. [Trudgill, 1983]. This lower-class, non-standard linguistic variety has been defined bysociolinguist W. Labov as covert prestige. Linked to social class, the differences in how men and women gain, or attempt to gain status through opposing speech patterns is noticeable. [Labov W., 1972].

2.3 Age-graded language and the way of improving it

It is well known that human culture, social behavior and thinking cannot exist without language. Being a social and national identity, and a means of human communication, language cannot help bearing imprints of ethnic and cultural values ??as well as the norms of behavior of a given language community. All is reflected in the vocabulary of a language. But it should be noted that the grammatical structure of a language more exactly reflects the mentality of a nation as it is closer to thinking. «While the number of words in a language represents the volume of its world, the grammatical structure of a language gives an idea of ??the inn...

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