r, grammar, vocabulary tables, headphones.of activity
. 11.08
. 11.08
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. 11.08
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. 11.08
min.2: Book a New Flight (Speaking) aim of the lesson: to enlarge students horizons on the cultural and linguistic peculiarities of the English speech; objectives of the lesson:
) to develop students skills in intercultural communication, listening comprehension, in taking notes;
) to introduce and consolidate new active vocabulary;
) introduction and primary consolidation of the grammar material;
) to introduce students the function Self Record (самозапісь) in the programme and be ready to listen to their speech and make self corrections by means of comparison with the native speaker s voice and pronunciation .: multimedia programme English Learning Course, computer, grammar, and vocabulary tables, headphones, microphone.
Type of activityDateTimePresentation12.11.0810 min.Activity12.11.087 min.Vocabulary12.11.0810 min.Vocabulary Practice13.11.087 min.Grammar13.11.088 min.Role Practice13.11.0810 min.Role Play13.11.0810 min. 3: Read a Business Article (Reading) aim of the lesson: to widen students knowledge on the business prospects in GB; objectives of the lesson:
) to develop students skills in reading and develop all the 4 competences of reading (linguistic, strategic, socio-cultural, discourse);
) to introduce and consolidate new active vocabulary;
) introduction and primary consolidation of the grammar material .: multimedia programme English Learning Course, computer, grammar, vocabulary tables, headphones.
Type of activityDateTimePresentation13.11.0810 min.Activity13.11.087 min.Vocabulary14.11.088 min.Vocabulary Practice14.11.089 min.Grammar14.11.0810 min.Type In14.11.0810 min. Lesson 4: Rent a Car (Speaking) aim of the lesson: to enable students to use the target language as a means of communication; objectives of the lesson:
) to develop students skills in intercultural communication, listening comprehension, in taking notes;
) to introduce and consolidate new active vocabulary;
) introduction and primary consolidation of the grammar material;
) to introduce students the function Self Record (самозапісь) in the programme and be ready to listen to their speech and make self corrections by means of comparison with the native speaker s voice and pronunciation;
) to enable students to discuss the situation in which they face some difficulties and try to solve them .: multimedia programme English Learning Course, computer, grammar, and vocabulary tables, headphones, microphone.
Type of activityDateTimePresentation17.11.0810 min.Activity17.11.085 min.Vocabulary17.11.087 min.Vocabulary Practice17.11.088 min.Grammar17.11.088 min.Dialog Builder17.11.0815 min. 5: Respond to a Complaint (Writing) aim of the lesson: to widen students knowledge on the business prospects in GB; objectives of the lesson:
) to develop students skills in writing and develop all the 4 competences of writing (linguistic, strategic, socio-cultural, discourse);
) to introduce and consolidate new active vocabulary;
) introduction and primary consolidation of the grammar material .: multimedia programmer English Learning Course, computer, grammar, vocabulary tables.
Type of activityDateTimePresentation18.11.0810 min.Activity18.11.087 min.Vocabulary18.11.0810 min.Vocabulary Practice18.11.0810 min.Grammar19.11.0810 min.Grammar Practice19.11.0810 min.Construction Kit19.11.0815 + 15 min.
Навчання студентів проходило в мультимедійному кабінеті. Автором роботи були зроблені копії ліцензійної програми «Англійська: Шлях до Досконалості» в умовах Національної Бібліотеки РК імені О.С.Пушкіна. Процес навчання проходив під безпосереднім керівництвом автора роботи, в рамках парадигми «комп'ютер-учень». Викладач підтримував контакт зі студентами та в позаурочний час - вдаючись до допомоги НІТ, зокрема, проходив обмін діловими повідомленнями через e-mail, за допомогою яких викладач давав додаткові вказівки до домашнього завдання, готував студентів до наступних уроків, давав практичні вказівки по використ...