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Реферат Translation of poetry english-russian

n> , can we even find routine means understanding and means-agreement between original and translated poetry text? such a closeness be the true indication of catastrophically original difference? It is clear for us that: first of all, poetic communication exists only if the author created some kind of poetical text, characterizing all it s units by interconnection and intersematics, belonged to special language system; secondary especially these interconnection and intersematics, connecting all linguistic units - from phoneme till statement - make the expression of informational complex in text absolutely impossible, which takes please in the original text.we can say that every time the interpreter has to make a choice, what and why he should make a sacrifice. There are four different methods to translate one poetic text. It depends on how much true information the interpreter wants to get from the origin into another language, (also it depends on communicative function which the interpreter chooses for his art-work).

1. Poetical translation

- is one of the most difficult literary genres, requiring very sensitive responsive, intelligent, deep action understanding. The Poet transforms the world into lyrics, retracting it by prism of artistic image. That is the main problem of poetic text! Interpreter has the clear artistic aim: to understand this image. To appear in it, to feel ... just for expressing all its beauty, emotional experience. That s why the poetic translation is the most independent literary work of art. And of course no one can understand the poet, but another poet. The poetry translation is the interpretation of already existing integral work of art, and its literary level depends only on interpreters skills. Any poetic text is versal but not in the opposite. The verse text is only a text minimum, devoted into verse-lines.interpreter has to create new poetical text, equivalenting for the origin by its conceptual and aesthetical information. And what about factual one? It is expressed only if it doesn t hurt the conceptual and aesthetical expression.poetic translation contains taking the translated text into alive literal process, into cultural tradition and literal memory of that language it exists in. Here is the example of poetic translation done by me.

. T. T.T.

Every night in my dreams I see you, I feel you, That is how I know you go on Far across the distance And spaces between us You have come to show you go on Near, far, wherever you are I believe that the heart does go on Once more you open the door And you're here in my heart And my heart will go on and onКаждий раз у сні і в мріях - ти зі мною! Близькість відчуваю...

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