orce that is competent in several languages. The importance of foreign languages ​​in a borderless world is more evident when nation building is highly dependent on the acquisition and transfer of foreign technology. As a developing country, Kazakhstan has set up the International Languages ​​Teacher Training Institute to provide training courses in foreign languages ​​for Kazakhstan teachers and foreign students especially from other countries [5].
.2 Definition of motivation
Motivation is typically defined as the forces that account for the arousal, selection, direction, and continuation of behavior. Nevertheless, many teachers have at least two major misconceptions about motivation that prevent them from using this concept with maximum effectiveness. One misconception is that some students are unmotivated. Strictly speaking, that is not an accurate statement. As long as a student chooses goals and expends a certain amount of effort to achieve them, he is, by definition, motivated. What teachers really mean is that students are not motivated to behave in the way teachers would like them to behave. The second misconception is that one person can directly motivate another. This view is inaccurate because motivation comes from within a person. What you can do, with the help of the various motivation theories discussed in this chapter, is create the circumstances that influence students to do what you want them to do [6]. Factors determine whether the students in your classes will be motivated or not motivated to learn. You should not be surprised to discover that no single theoretical interpretation of motivation explains all aspects of student interest or lack of it. Different theoretical interpretations do, however, shed light on why some students in a given learning situation are more likely to want to learn than others. Furthermore, each theoretical interpretation can serve as the basis for the development of techniques for motivating students in the classroom. Several theoretical interpretations of motivation - some of which are derived from discussions of learning presented earlier - will now be summarized.view of the increasing expectations for graduates to be knowledgeable about a foreign language there is a need to conduct more research in this area particularly concerning the motivation of Kazakhstan students to learn a foreign language at institutions of higher learning. Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation models have been used to explain the importance of attitudes and beliefs for enrollment, success, and attrition rates in foreign language classes. Extrinsic motivation refers to an individual s external motivation that comes from outside an individual with rewards such as money or grades. These types of rewards provide satisfaction and pleasure that the task itself may not provide [7]. Motivated people, on the oth...