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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » The types of extracurricular work in approach of foreign language

Реферат The types of extracurricular work in approach of foreign language

pment of flexibility of skill and its readiness for inclusion.is necessary to notice, however, that such approach can t be considered as universal at construction of facultative employment of any type. Here the facultative course is considered. Not putting professional purposes and suitable it is equal for city and rural school, namely - developing logicality and efficiency of dialogue in household sphere. We don t limit household sphere to purely tourist communicative situations of type «How to order at restaurant a dinner» or «How to learn road to hotel». The wide scale of human mutual relations of habitual employment, hobbies, and perceptions of the various parties of the validity means. At material selection the positive role is played by a thematic principle as he promotes lexicon ordering. But we understand this principle widely: as a basis for an establishment between thematic communications that words not «froze in a context». For example, the theme «Carrying out of vacation» is connected with themes Tourism raquo ;, Playing sports raquo ;, «Survey of sights», etc. Differently, our approach is defined by not so much subjects, how many a problematic. Sometimes specificity of formed ability forces and to refuse at all from thematic unity. For example, ability to give to a definition to household concepts, on the contrary, assumes recollection lexicon from the most various spheres of activity and knowledge: from kitchen utensils to exotic animals. Besides, there can be problems which difficultly rank as any traditionally allocated school theme: for example, you respect what people; you easily forgive what lacks, and what are not present; you wait for what relation to from associates; as it is better to communicate with friends - in letters or by phone, etc.employment within the limits of facultative employment of the given type should be directed on formation of abilities of oral dialogue. Accordingly, employment can be classified depending on the purpose approximately as follows:

The monotarget employment devoted to development of abilities of the monologic statement or dialogical dialogue;

The polytarget employment combining development of abilities of the monologic statement or dialogical dialogue or with development of abilities of reading (audition), or with perfection of lexical or grammatical skills of registration of the statement., the orientation on perfection of skills means that employment can be under construction on a material with prevalence either lexical, or grammatical aspect. Thus the grammatical phenomena are generalized so that to provide certain set of various communicative intentions on employment. If it is simultaneously fulfilled several designs such communicative intentions where all these grammatical phenomena equally would be necessary for achievement of the speech purpose and if there is a work on one difficult grammatical phenomenon in speech tasks it is necessary to show variability of its application for realization of several communicative intentions steal up.principles on which, both construction of facultative employment is based on a school lesson, and on employment in high school: comprehension of the purpose and ways of its achievement and results, interrelation of kinds of speech activity, the maximum communicativeness of training and smooth transition to speech practice, the prevention of errors at the expense of correct sequence of tasks etc.employment stages it is necessary to notice that as we don t enter the extra program grammatical phenomena or essentially new lexical themes, the stage of acquaintance with a language material, as a rule, doesn t happen detailed, developed and doesn t occupy a considerable part of employment. And still this stage can sometimes take an important place in employment structure. In some measure necessity of acquaintance is caused lack of the textbook operating throughout many years on English language for unspecialized schools. However at any basic textbook it is necessary to generalize the studied material at other qualitative level, from the point of view both telling, and perceiving the information (for example, generalization of ways of prompting to action, expressions of obligation, the message on the made action, ways of decoding of homonymic grammatical designs). Such generalizations shouldn t overload a facultative course. As to speech abilities acquaintance with them just happens on facultative employment, rather than at the usual lesson focused in a greater degree on carrying over concerning simple speech actions from a native language, than on development of difficult intellectual abilities, such, as a definition, definition of logicality or objectivity of the statement etc. is more often, in connection with modest enough place of a stage of acquaintance in structure of facultative employment there is a possibility to giv...

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