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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

Реферат Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

ms; the Queen »s Building; a swimming pool and fully equipped sports center; Oxford, the famous university city and seat of learning; the modern classrooms; the latest teaching methods; unique and motivating program up to date course books; to have access to E-mail and Internet facilities; an intensive computer course; full day Excursions; a homely atmosphere; the beautiful red brick mansion ; the most prestigious university.

Words & phrases «Electronic Communications»: electronic mail; transfer information; an entree to libraries, research institutions .... etc; a universal community; Internet participants; to pass information back and forth; an electronic network; the Benefits of the Internet as a research and teaching tool; a personal computer; a connection to a central computer; to join electronic discussion forums; to send messages to the other side of the world; Internet connected; to develop Internet access for the public.

Topic «The Role of English in the 21st Century», Words and phrases: social, economic and demographic transition; the global and International economy; to be the world standard language; International development; to open joint-ventures and companies; the global spread of English; to have the official status; English usage in science; English usage in technology and commerce; to negotiate in English; the information revaluation; to get more native speakers; to pay more attention to international developments; to sell more products outside the US; to conform to a global market place; an economic modernization and industrial development.Communicative classrooms allow students to experience speaking English on their own. It shows them that they can speak and share opinions and understand English without written materials. The students can speak to whomever they wish, to students they know well or to those they may not often get a chance to speak with. They are working at their own place and at their own level of ability. They can take time to relax rest and think about what they are doing. Students soon begin to add and create to the topics for discussions their own oral language.new language teaching goals to enable students to learn by using the language in meaningful, interactive situations. We must develop communicative activities ranging from controlled or guided practice to free production such as role-playing, simulations, quessing games, information-gap, critical thinking and problem-solving activities.of English as a foreign language need to create and motivate a pleasant atmosphere in the classroom and awaken student s interests. As the MD, I have used the following activity, which makes all the students to be very active and feel comfortable and it gets them involved in thinking about the beautiful and costly things in life. At first some unknown words and phrases are explained and after a brief class discussion, the following poem «Passion for Life» by Mother Tereza has been presented.

«Passion for Life»

Life is a challenge, meet it. Life is a struggle, accept it.is a duty, complete it. Life is a tragedy, confront it.

Life is a game, play it. Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.

Life is costly, care for it. Life is beauty, admire it.is wealth, keep it. Life is bliss, taste it.

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