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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Teaching English Grammar

Реферат Teaching English Grammar

emory is at work.

- Completion

Pupils complete the sentences the teacher utters looking at the pictures he shows. For example:

Teacher: Look at the picture. p> Mike is ... ... . p> Pupil: Mike is getting up. p> Class: Mike is getting up.

Teacher: Mike is ... ... . p> Pupil: Mike is dressing.

Class: Mike is dressing.

Attention should be given to the use of is in this exercise. The teacher should pronounce Mike is ... to prevent the typical mistake of the pupils (Mike dressing). This is essential structural element of the tense form of the Present Continuous; Russian-speaking pupils, however, do not feel any necessity to use it.

- Answering the teacher's questions

For example:

Teacher: Is Mike getting up? p> Pupil: Yes, he is. p> Teacher: Who is getting up? p> Pupil: Mike is. p> Teacher: What is Mike doing? p> Pupil: He is getting up.

Drill exercises may be done both orally and in written form. Pupils perform oral exercises during the lesson and written ones at home. For example, they ate told to write five or seven sentences on the model given.

During the next lesson the work done at home is checked orally. In this way pupils have practice in pronunciation while reading their own examples, and in auding while listening to their classmates.

1.3 Creative exercises (speech exercises)

This is the most difficult type of exercises as it requires creative work on the part of the learners. These may be:

- Making statements either on the picture the teacher shows, or on objects. For example, the teacher hangs up a picture and asks his pupils to say or write three or five statements in the Present Continuous. p> - Asking questions with a given grammar item. For example, pupils are invited to ask and answer questions in the Past Indefinite. p> - Speaking about the situation offered by the teacher. For example, one pupil gives commands to perform this or that action, the other comments on the action (actions) his classmate performs.

Pupil 1: Go to the door, Sasha. p> Pupil 2: Sasha is going to the door.

Pupil 3: Open the door.

Pupil 4: Sasha is opening the door. p> - Speaking on a suggested topic. For example, a pupil tells the class what he did yesterday.

- Making dialogues using the grammar item covered. p> - Telling the story (read, heard). p> - Translating into English.

Participating in free conversation in which pupils are to use the grammar item they have learned. E. g., pupils have learned sentence patterns with the impersonal it .

Through these questions pupils are stimulated to speak about the weather and use the grammar item they have learnt.

All the exercises of the creative type are designed for consolidating grammar material pupils need for hearing and speaking.

All the exercises mentioned above are designed:

- to develop pupils 'skills in recognizing grammar forms while auding and reading English texts;

- to accumulate correct sentence patterns in the pupils ' memory which they can reproduce whenever they need these patterns for speaking or writing;

- to help the pupils to produce sentences of their own using grammar items necessary for speaking about a situation or a topic offered, or writing an essay on the text heard or an annotation on the text read.

1.4 Grammar tests

A check on the assimilation of grammar material is carried out through:

- auding (if a pupil understands what he auds, he knows grammar);

- speaking (if a pupil uses the grammar item correctly, he has assimilated it);

- reading (if a learner understands what he reads, he knows grammar);

- tests.

Tests allow the teacher to evaluate pupils 'achievement in grammar, that is, how each of them has mastered forms, meaning, and usage. Tests in grammar may involve: filling in the blanks; opening the brackets; transformation (eg, make it negative, change into plural, etc.); extension (eg,/ like to read books - I like to raid English bocks in our library); completion (eg, When I came home ...); making statements on the pictures given; translation. <В 


In order to understand a language and express oneself correctly one must assimilate the grammar mechanism of a language. Indeed, one may know all the words in a sentence and yet fail to understand it, if one does not see the relationship between the words in the given sentence. And vice versa, a sentence may contain one, two, and more unknown words but if one has a good knowledge of the structure of the language one can easily guess the meanings of these words or at least find them in a dictionary, No speaking is possible without the knowledge of grammar, wit...

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