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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Cognitive basis of translation

Реферат Cognitive basis of translation

li> The urgency of the problem. Linguistics of the text is a new branch in the modern language study that has been developing rapidly during the last few years. This new Linguistic discipline, the subject of the study of which is a coherent text (logically finished sequence of utterances connected with a common meaning ties between each other) had put a mission to find the essence of these ties and ways of their using, to find the system of grammatical categories of the text with its formal units, describe the essence of human communication according to the material of the text. So, exactly the text is the object of the analysis at the first steps of the translation. Besides, the text is the subject of synthesis at the final steps of the translation process. The form of the text is an expression of communicative side of Sender with the help of language. During the process of analyzing of the Original Text translator usually thinks about what the Sender wants to say and which language units he/she use? Here, is quite important to look not only what have written but also to the semantic side of the text, that is what is meant by these words. The objectives of the coursework. There will be 3 main missions of the research, that have marked: to understand what the cognition is; to get acquaintance with the types of the cognitive translation; to understand the importance of the cognition in the process of translation.

1. Theoretical part

.1 Translation. Translation problems

"Translation" is the main concept of the theory of translation. So, firstly, before writing about the context it is needed to understand what is the translation.

Translation is a transformation of concept content and stylistic pecularities of the utterance of a one language with the helps of means of another. (IRGalperin), translation has always been a human activity, although attempts have been made to automate and computerize the translation of natural language texts-machine translation-or to use computers as an aid to translation-computer-assisted translation.goal of translation is to establish a relationship of equivalence between the source and the target texts (that is to say, that both texts communicate the same message), while taking into account a number of constraints. These constraints include context, the rules of grammar of the source language, its writing conventions, its idioms and the like.

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