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Додаток А
Оригінал фрагмента книги «Management across cultures. Challenges and strategies »by Richard M. Steers, Carlos J. Sanchez-Runde, Luciara Nardon, 2010р.
trends and cultural differencesorder to operationalize the core cultural dimensions discussed here, it is helpful to have a means of classifying cultures so that country - or at least regional - comparisons can be made. Mindful of the limitations discussed above, we chose to estimate cultural differences within country clusters (as opposed to individual countries) by adapting a framework originally proposed by Simcha Ronan and Oded Shenkar, and subsequently used by others with some modifications. This framework focuses on identifying regions where ample anthropological data were available, and our use of these clusters reflects this imbalance. Because of this, some regions (eg, Central Asia, Polynesia) are not included, while others (eg, Europe) are covered in considerable detail. In addition, according to these efforts, several countries (eg, Brazil, India, and Israel) do not easily fit into such a framework, so again some caution is in order. on this research, we can use this framework to identify nine country clusters for which sufficient data were available to estimate central tendencies in cultural characteristics: Anglo cluster (eg, Australia, Canada, the UK, the US); Arab cluster (e.g., Dubai, Egypt, Saudi Arabia); Eastern European cluster (eg, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland); East / Southeast Asian cluster (eg, China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Thailand); Germanic cluster (e.g., Austria, Germany); Latin American cluster (eg, Argentina, Costa Rica,...