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Реферат Прагмаречевие умови формування переговорного дискурсу

ense of the message from the language of origin to the translated one. methods include lexical, grammatical, complex and syntactic transformations. Lexical transformations include transliteration, transcription, loan translation, some lexico-semantic replacements (modulation, concrete definition and generalisation). Grammatical transformations include grammatical replacements (replacements of sentence parts, word forms, parts of speech) and sentence division. Complex transformations are also called lexico-grammatical (compensation, descriptive translation and antonymous translation). Translation with the same sentence structure and violation of sentence structure refer to syntactic transformations.there are certain standards for translating official communication, according to which, one translates:

? names of parts and departments of establishments, organisations;

? names of posts, ranks, scientific degrees, titles;

? personal names.

One transcribes:

? foreign surnames, personal names and names taking into account traditional writing of popular surnames;

? names of foreign firms, companies, joint-stock companies, corporations, concerns, monopolies, industrial associations;

? conjunctions and prepositions of companies names;

? brand names of cars, devices, chemical substances, products, materials.

Replaced with Russian equivalents:

? scientific and technical terms;

? geographical objects. of unequivalent words is carried out by following methods:

? selection of the Russian term or a common word, word combinations with close meaning;

? transcription, transliteration;

? description translation. of every negotiation is to come to the certain agreement concerning policy, trade, services and etc. To ensure negotiations to be effective it is necessary to consider pragmalinguistic peculiarities. It is necessary to pay special attention to difference in foreign culture evaluative standards and individual characteristics of every other negotiator, choose optimal strategy and tactic. negotiating discourse it is necessary to know peculiarities of business communication translation, which ensures the subject of negotiations and parties obligations to be clearly understood.


1.Алексеева І.С. Професійне навчання перекладача. Навчальний посібник з усного та письмового перекладу для перекладачів і викладачів.- СПб.: Изд-во Інститут іноземних мов, 2000.

. Андрюшкін А.П. Business English. Ділова англійська мова.- М.: Видавничо-торгова корпорація «Дашков і Ко», 2008.

. Астафурова Т.Н. Лінгвістичні аспекти міжкультурної ділової комунікації. Волгоград: Вид-во ВолДУ, 1997.

. Бархударов Л.С. Мова і переклад.- М.: Міжн. відносини, 1975.

. Белл Р. Социолингвистика.- М.: Міжнародні відносини, 1980.

6.Белланже Л. Переговори.- СПб.: Нева, 2003.

7.Бондаренко Н. Як вести бізнес з іноземними партнерами? URL: <# «justify"> ДОДАТОК А


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