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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Translation of poetry english-russian

Реферат Translation of poetry english-russian

he most important task-is to keep the reader, who is reading your translation, in the emotional atmosphere the author created in origin and it s no matter which words are you using. The most bright examples of poetry translation I have ever faced are kept in one of the most favorite books of mine - The Lord Of The Rings by R. R. Tolkien-a great deal of songs are kept there, they express atmosphere of that time, energy and mystery. Well, hereinafter the dwarf s song is presented, it is translated from English into Russian by poetical method, as we can see, and there are a lot of words replaced, omitted and added . But! The idea and atmosphere are perfectly kept!

. T. T.T.

Clip the glasses and crack the plates! Blunt the knives and bend the forks! That's what Bilbo hates - Smash the bottles and burn the corks! Cut the cloth and tread on the fat! Pour the milk on the pantry floor! Leave the bones on the bedroom mat! Splash the wine on every door! Dump the crocks in a boiling bowl; Pound them up with a thumping pole; And when you've finished, if any are whole, Send them down the hall to roll! That's what Bilbo Baggins hates! So, carefully! carefully! with the plates! Бийте тарілки, бийте розетки! Вилки тупите, гніть ножі! Об підлогу пляшки! У грубку серветки! Буде порядок - тільки скажи! Рвіть на частини скатертини, гості! Лейте на стільці жир від котлет! Корки і кістки під ноги киньте! Мажте гірчицею цінний паркет! Чашки і чарки - у чан з окропом! Ломом залізним Поворушивши, Вийміть, відкиньте і обсушіть - І на смітник всі цілком! Хто там без діла? Сором і ганьба! Ей, обережно, крихкий фарфор! Here are presented the same song with different translation - it is the second variant. But it doesn t mean that it is worse than the first one. They are very different, but both are perfectly translated. This one expresses more fun and frolic.

. T. T.T.

Clip the glasses and crack the plates! Blunt the knives and bend the forks! That's what Bilbo hates - Smash the bottles and burn the corks! Cut the cloth and tread on the fat Pour the milk on the pantry floor! Leave the bones on the bedroom mat! Splash the wine on every door! Dump the crocks in a boiling bowl; Pound them up with a thumping pole; And when you've finished, if any are whole, Send them down the hall to roll! That's what Bilbo Baggins hates! So, carefully! carefully! with the plates! Всі перевернемо догори дном! Всю посуд розіб'ємо! Бий тарілки! Бий склянки! Всі килими залий вином! Більбо Беггінс буде зол - Вилий молоко на стіл, впустивши велику люстру І натри сметаною підлогу! Це що? Фарфор? Фаянс? Ану, тростиною, раз - і в таз!...

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